CPD Officers Freeman, Zelig, and Babich conduct unlawful search
Firm Case Number: 2016-26-4562
Unlawful Possession of a Weapon by a Felon
26th and California Room 400
On March 17, 2016, Chicago Police Officers Zelig, Freeman, and Babich, claimed that my client led them to his car which containing a gun. At a hearing on a motion to suppress evidence Attorney Levinsohn showed the court that the officers drove up to a convenience store, grabbed my client, took his car keys, and then used the key fob to find the car. The court agreed that this was an illegal search and seizure and the case was thrown out.
Call now for your consultation.
Call Chicago gun defense attorney Mike Levinsohn at 312 919-0200
Tags: 26th Street, 4th Amendment, Cook County Criminal Courthouse, Guns, Motion to Suppress Evidence, no probable cause, search and seizure, unconstitutional
Categorised in: Cook County Criminal Courthouse, Court Wins & Cases, Gun Cases / Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Weapon