Burglary, Robbery, and Theft
Chicago Robbery Lawyer
Theft is taking something with the intention of not giving it back. Burglary is the entry into a building or home with the intent to commit a felony or theft inside the building. Robbery is taking something by force or the threat of force. There are many variations to each of these offenses.
Theft under $500 and retail theft under $300 are Class A misdemeanors. Theft of more than $500 is Class 4 felony and retail theft of more that $300 is a Class 3 felony. Theft of $500 to $10,000 is a class 3 felony, $10,000 to $100,000 is a Class 2 felony, $100,000 to $1,000,000 is a Class 1, and over $1,000,000 is a Class X felony.
The best defense in a theft case is to show that theft did not occur or that the theft was not committed by you. In order to prove this, a subpoena of the surveillance video from the store or bank can be used for your defense.
Burglary Charge in Chicago
Burglaries are charged as either a Class 2 burglary or a Class 1 non-probationable residential burglary. An experienced theft lawyer is able to get special drug treatment probation (TASC probation) in residential burglary cases if they can prove that their client has a drug or alcohol problem, the problem caused them to commit the residential burglary, and they want to use drugs and/or alcohol.
Robbery Charge in Chicago
Robberies (Class 2 felony) can be charged as a Class 1 aggravated robbery if a gun is not shown but the threat of a gun is made. If a dangerous weapon is carried during the robbery then its charged as a Class X felony. Armed robberies with a gun are Class X felonies that carry a minimum sentence of 21 years. The best defense to an armed robbery is to prove that a gun was not involved. If a gun was not recovered and upon cross examination the witness is not able to clearly identify a gun there is reasonable doubt as to that element.