Business Tax Defense
Attorney Michael Levinsohn provides top defense when it comes to unjustified tax deficiencies. The Illinois Department of Revenue often mistakenly or unfairly imposes tax penalties on businesses and individuals. We are here to help you resolve such discrepancies. If you find yourself in this situation, please contact my office so we can aide you in the fight against unwarranted taxes, penalties
and interest.
In 2012, the Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal was created to resolve tax disputes between the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) and businesses and individuals. The Tax Tribunal has jurisdiction over cases in which the total amount due exceeds $15,000. By statute, businesses must be represented by an attorney when cases are brought to the Tribunal. The Tax Tribunal is independent of the Department of Revenue and may not show any deference to the Department of Revenue when weighing the evidence and determining whether a tax is due. We fight tax deficiencies in the following areas in the Tribunal:
- Illinois Income Tax
- Use Tax
- Service Use Tax
- Service Occupation Tax
- Retailers’ Occupation Tax
- Cigarette Tax
- Tobacco Products Tax
- Hotel Operators’ Occupation Tax
- Motor Fuel Tax
- Automobile Renting Occupation and Use Tax
- Coin Operated Amusement Device and Redemption Machine Tax
- Gas Revenue Tax