Chicago 11th District Armed Habitual Criminal – Not Guilty
Armed Habitual Criminal
Unlawful Use or Possession of a Weapon by a Felon
Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Weapon
Finding of NOT GUILTY
26th and California Room 404
Chicago Police Officers Flores and Mieszcak pulled my client and his passenger over in the area of 300 S. Kostner and started to search his car. They found a 9mm Smith & Wesson hand gun in the center counsel. The officers tried to put the gun on my client because he was a convicted felon. At trial, I proved to the judge that the gun belonged to the passenger who lawfully purchased the gun in Indiana and that my client had no knowledge of the gun.
Not Guilty
Call now for your consultation.
Call Chicago UUW and Armed Habitual defense lawyer Mike Levinsohn at 312 919-0200
Tags: 26th Street, armed habitual criminal, Guns
Categorised in: Cook County Criminal Courthouse, Court Wins & Cases, Gun Cases / Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Weapon