People v. Confidential 220
Firm Case Number: 2013-02-220
Unlawful Possession of a Weapon
Unlawful Possession of a Weapon
Skokie Courthouse
An Evanston Police officer pulled Ms. A over because she was using her cell phone while driving. The officer then claimed that he smelled cannabis so he searched her car and found a gun in her purse and the cannabis inside a locked safe in the back of the car. At a motion to suppress, I proved that the officer lied about smelling cannabis from a locked safe. He should have given her a ticket for using the phone and let her go instead of searching the car. Motion granted.
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Call Skokie gun defense attorney Mike Levinsohn at 312 919-0200
Tags: 4th Amendment, Guns, Motion to Suppress Evidence, search and seizure, Skokie Courthouse, unconstitutional
Categorised in: Court Wins & Cases, Gun Cases / Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Weapon, Skokie Courthouse