Meth Case Thrown Out
Possession of Methamphetamine (Meth)
26th and California Room 700, Judge Linn
Chicago Police Officers Soto and Stec claim to be on routine patrol in the area of 1223 S. Millard Avenue when they saw my client walk over to a car. The officers said that they thought there was going to be a hand to hand drug transaction so they watched our client. The officers then claimed that a plastic bag was sticking out of our client’s pants pocket. They stopped out client, pulled the bag out of his pocket and found that is was full of meth. At a motion to suppress evidence, we proved that the police did not have probable cause to stop our client and pull any bags out of his pocket. We cited People v. Garcia and the judge agreed with me.
Case Dismissed.
Call now for your consultation.
Call meth defense lawyer Mike Levinsohn at 312 919-0200
Tags: 26th Street, 4th Amendment, drug case, meth, pcs
Categorised in: Cook County Criminal Courthouse, Court Wins & Cases, Drug Cases